Hope that boss is worthy. Sounds dangerously close to worthy of smite attack.
Firefly 5: That's my girl... That's my good girl.
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe.
He did also reveal that he went to the Star Wars re-release in costume, so it's all good. Just a different fandom from mine, but a bigger geek than I am
Yup, that will seal the deal. Single forever.
You just haven't found your geek girl. Geek lovin' is good lovin'.
At a Yarn Harlot reading in L.A. one of the knitters showed her a picture of Alan Tudyk holding a sock. (This is a Yarn Harlot thing.)
Forbidden, sumi. Sniff.
I'm sorry. You can see it on her blog.
Love the tattoo!
How does one pronounce "Hoban"? Is it ho-bun or ho-ban?
Alert for Bay-istas! Stanford Savoyards are doing The Pirates of Penzance set in the Firefly-verse. I'm going on January 22!
The Pirates of Penzance set in the Firefly-verse
The sheer amount of awesome potential in that phrase just broke my brain.