Jayne: That's a good idea. Good idea. Tell us where the stuff's at so I can shoot you. Mal: Point of interest? Offering to shoot us might not work so well as an incentive as you might imagine.

'Out Of Gas'

Firefly 5: That's my girl... That's my good girl.

Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe.

beekaytee - Jan 02, 2011 3:39:59 pm PST #3405 of 5292
Compassionately intolerant

I still don't quite get 'back birth' as an epithet.

beekaytee - Jan 02, 2011 3:40:57 pm PST #3406 of 5292
Compassionately intolerant

Kaylee gets shot and Book trach shots the bad guy, then protects him.

THIS is when I knew I'd be with this series forever.

WindSparrow - Jan 02, 2011 3:43:06 pm PST #3407 of 5292
Love is stronger than death and harder than sorrow. Those who practice it are fierce like the light of stars traveling eons to pierce the night.

Wow, that was intense, Kaylee getting shot.

Sophia Brooks - Jan 02, 2011 3:45:20 pm PST #3408 of 5292
Cats to become a rabbit should gather immediately now here

Awww. teddy bear applique.

WindSparrow - Jan 02, 2011 3:45:35 pm PST #3409 of 5292
Love is stronger than death and harder than sorrow. Those who practice it are fierce like the light of stars traveling eons to pierce the night.

What the hell is this?

This is my sister.

beekaytee - Jan 02, 2011 3:47:06 pm PST #3410 of 5292
Compassionately intolerant

"I want you to understand my full meaning."

I love that.

beekaytee - Jan 02, 2011 3:53:41 pm PST #3411 of 5292
Compassionately intolerant

Jayne's disgust with Dobson is priceless.

WindSparrow - Jan 02, 2011 3:54:19 pm PST #3412 of 5292
Love is stronger than death and harder than sorrow. Those who practice it are fierce like the light of stars traveling eons to pierce the night.

Operating without core containment...


WindSparrow - Jan 02, 2011 3:57:27 pm PST #3413 of 5292
Love is stronger than death and harder than sorrow. Those who practice it are fierce like the light of stars traveling eons to pierce the night.

Getting awful crowded in my sky.

beekaytee - Jan 02, 2011 3:58:04 pm PST #3414 of 5292
Compassionately intolerant

Weird! I just saw a mic on Book!

When he looks at Simon as he comes into sickbay, there it is, big as life, on the right side of his jaw.

Can't rewind to see it again, but I never noticed that before. Why would they have a body mic on him, especially in a scene where he has no dialog?