Wasn't the Firefly theme song played in space, too, over some NASA broadcast? I remember vaguely reading about that.
Firefly 5: That's my girl... That's my good girl.
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe.
I refuse to accept #2 and have cautioned D to avoid the article. Humph.
I can live with #2 except for the how. The how is unpossible.
On my wall at work, I have a picture of the DVDs floating in the space station. Only, with my promotion, I get a huge window, and won't have room for it anymore. Not that I'm complaining or anything, because, well, promotion and window with gorgeous view. Yeah!
Just finished rewatching the series and the movie. Ah, wonder and awe all over again.
I has questions about the Reaver creation story...if they developed at the same time folks were giving up and dying from the Pax, why did were there so many intact corpses on Miranda? Seems like the Reaver types woulda gone after the peaceful ones before they had a chance to die peacefully.
I assume that the narrating Doctor wasn't actually on Miranda when pax went live....but arrived later (in the shuttle where she presumably barricaded herself to record the holo) in order to survey the results?
Maybe my timeline is off.
I think you've found a plot hole.
I has questions about the Reaver creation story...if they developed at the same time folks were giving up and dying from the Pax, why did were there so many intact corpses on Miranda? Seems like the Reaver types woulda gone after the peaceful ones before they had a chance to die peacefully.
They said the Reavers were a very small percentage of the population. I figured there just weren't enough Reavers to go around. My question was, does this tell us how they make new Reavers? Do they dose the new recruits with Pax?
Like the kid in Bushwacked, they set aside "survivors" and make them watch the torture and destruction until those people become like them. Tho i would expect with those kind of base instincts that they might occasionally rape their own kind and end up with reaver babies. i would suspect the rate of reaver infant mortality to be very high, but it doesn't take many to be super destructive. Ew, plus with all that radiation they'd prolly have mutant reaver babies. nothing pleasant comes of this train of thought.
At Daniel's nephew's wedding, there was a red-headed woman who looked a heck of a lot like Christina Hendricks, and wore a dress that was about the same style (only in brown satin) that Saffron wore in Our Mrs. Reynolds.
Ohhh... Amazon.com has Firefly on Blu Ray for $27.99 right now!