I was so fooled the first time I saw this. I thought of all the female ships in books I'd read and I believed.
Firefly 5: That's my girl... That's my good girl.
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe.
"I am the ship" Nicely tags back to "she really likes it here" exchange Simon had with Kaylee.
Inara's lines seem off here. She's usually really intuitive, but she clearly is unable to play this man or get into his head, and it would be stupid of her to try. I never quite buy this scene. And the violence of him smacking her is gratuitous.
I'd love to see Early and Yosaffbridge square off
"Serenity is very unhappy."
"Well, my sister's a ship. We had a complicated childhood."
So Kaylee hasn't tried to stand up, or get to an intercom, or a door, or anything? She's in a room filled with tools, she hasn't tried to find something to get free?
"He's really very gentle... and fuzzy. We're becoming fast friends!"
love it!
at threaten of being violated? I think not. She's not the fighting type.
are those mah johngg (or however you spell it) tiles for decor in Mal's quarters?