What is the best way to write "invoicing $1 - 2 million, monthly"?
You're missing a "Please make checks payable to Jess" at the end there.
Other than that, I've seen it written $1m-2m, but I'm not sure that's adhering to any style guide beyond "the word 'million' is too long to write twice."
"the word 'million' is too long to write twice."
"Two 'i's, two 'l's...I'm fuckin' exhausted. Jesus. I'ma take a nap."
I just got spanked for the "procrastination" tax. Oy vey.
Fucking A - today is a work nightmare and tomorrow looks to be loads of fun, too. I'd like to smack the fool who agreed to a deadline of 12/21 when we didn't have to. SLAPSHIT!
We're supposed to do our gift exchange this afternoon, but a bunch of the higher-ups got into a conference call, so we have to wait for them to be done. Since I didn't know that, I put my Santa hat on, and I'm not taking it off, because my hair will be fucked up. So I'm sitting here wearing a Santa hat, and I just got into a fight with Chatty about why a book printer sending us a template is a fucking retarded thing to do.
I can't win a fight when I have a Santa hat on and the white fuzzy ball at the end is swinging back and forth with every emphatic head shake I make.
It's tough out there for a Santa.
I'm so tired of watching these rehearsals.