God people suck. Why don't they like me?
There are plenty of us who like ya Laga.
But one of the great things about living in LA is that there are so very many cool people (like you and Gloomcookie & GF and omnis and many others I could name) hidden in among the annoying ones.
:: blush :: Just giving back what you are dishing out.
Karl, so sorry to hear the news.
Sean. OMG! Much calm for you, and Best of Health for S. I wish it was local so we could rally round with you. Feel free to buzz if you need someone to talk with.
this one I just don't know how to answer
Do you know what sperm tastes like?
Because I don't. I know what semen tastes like. I'm pretty sure that's what they meant. But the semantician in me won't let me click "yes".
and this one perplexes me
Imagine that you discover your lover incapacitated due to alcohol and/or drugs. He or she has left a note requesting that you take sexual advantage of him or her. What would you do?
Anything and everything I want.
Only those things my lover usually enjoys.
Incapacitated? I would call a fucking ambulance!
Sean, if you need anything, let me know. Sorry I didn't see you were here in SF before (though I should have remembered).
the infamous Seattle Freeze: [link]
See also: Minnesota Nice. Same. Damn. Phenomenon. Part of the reason I love SF so much.
Part of the reason I love SF so much.
What's it like trying to make friends in SF?
Question for anyone that watched West Wing
Hi Nicole. To answer your question,
they get together in Season 7.
OK crikey. I just sent email to a 25 year old. Someone ought to take the keys to the internet away from me.
Doll, I emailed a
19 year old.
But not in a flirty way. Just to say 'excellent profile! awesome ensemble! But my intentions are honourable, and I am not Humbert Humbert - just wanted to say keep up the good work!' type of thing. Um.
Actually, I find myself sort of loving a lot of the people whose profiles I read, and wanting to hug them or make them soup or something, just because it's terribly disarming, this little window into a stranger's life and hopes and all that. (Not all the people - but most of the people whom the site suggests are, inevitably, going to be people with whom one has a fair bit in common.)
ion, I am boggled by the lack of snoggage for Meara. Crazy universe. Bad job, Seattle. No biscuit!
It is 10.52am in the UK. I have been awake since 2am, UK time.
Le sigh.
Poor Fay. If it makes you feel better, I have been up since six and in the office since half seven.
You can at least sit on the couch drinking tea and watching Daignosis Murder.
DH did a lovely thing this weekend. We had thought he would be working away from home all this week and I wouldn't see him before he went to the States for Christmas, but he found out on Friday he's working in my office until he leaves, so he wrapped up a little note telling me this in Christmas paper and left it on my pillow.
Wow. Scarf is all but done. It goes from fingertips on one hand to the edge of the palm on the other. I wanted fingertip to fingertip, but I'm almost out of yarn on one of the strands. Tomorrow CuteGraphicsGirl will show me how to cast off and add the tassel ends.
So. I bought my own set of needles and a thing of yarn. And I attempted to cast on from what little I remember. So I'm a couple rows into the black scarf, and the thing is all twisty and I can't seem to untwist it. It's like one side of a DNA chain. Um. Any clue what I did wrong? Any way to undue it? Or should I just pull it apart and start over? I suppose CGG can give advice (and laughter) tomorrow.
Why am I still up? Jeez it's 3:30am. Oy. OK. Night.
Any clue what I did wrong?
I'm not sure, but it sounds like maybe your stitches might be too tight?