My mother puts presents under the tree from herself, Santa, the pets, and whomever else she can think of. It's kinda hilarious. Also, Santa is always careful to leave a present for the pets.
Most of my presents over the years have come from the pets. Especially my dad's presents; he never puts his name on anything!
Drew, I know Christmas usually sucks for you. I'm trying really hard to make it a nicer time for you, because the holiday means a lot to me even when we don't get to celebrate together on the 25th.
Besides, we also now have our XXXmas party tradition! That's fun, right?
Oh, ugh. I just watched a VERY sad movie (that was supposed to be a romantic comedy! THEY LIED!!!), and I cannot stop sobbing.
Hiya, Bitches, anyone around? I'm bored waiting for this boy to show up.
Oh noes, bug, what movie?
(I totally typed that as no hoes first.)
I think I'm going to have to watch some Law & Order: SVU to cheer myself up!
I know not this movie, but will be cautious of it in the future.
Jeezy Chreezy, miscommunications. Boy just called. I thought he was going to BE HERE in an hour. He was going to CALL ME in an hour. I could have taken a nap. And eaten something. He's still in a bar half an hour away.
I think I'm going to have to watch some Law & Order: SVU to cheer myself up!
Well, that puts it in perspective. Yowza.
I know not this movie, but will be cautious of it in the future.
Yes. Please do. For my sake!
Boy just called. I thought he was going to BE HERE in an hour. He was going to CALL ME in an hour. I could have taken a nap. And eaten something. He's still in a bar half an hour away.
Oh, goodness! That's not good or helpful.
Indeed. Now I have to figure out what to eat here. And I have no bread, so my standby toasted cheese is out. And chili seems like a bad idea.