Lordy, I am losing it. I went to the doughnut shop (v. delicious, must remember I only need ONE (they're huge)) and sat to drink my latte and eat my doughnut. And read a library book about a girl whose boyfriend breaks up with her because he's gay. And I started CRYING.
WTF, hormones? Crazy brain? No idea, but feel ridiculous. BUT SAD! Point of books is not to make me cry! Grr. Must go find trashy romance iwth happy ending or something.
I started crying over a song in a grocery store a couple weeks back. I mean allergies. Yeah, allergies.
I cry spontaneously over anything and everything. It's kind of embarrassing. Last night I was watching a DVR'ed episode of Torchwood (the one where
the dead guy follows Gwen around
) and one character starts singing
Danny Boy
and I started to cry. I've never even heard the song before, much less have any emotional connection to it! I mean, ridiculous.
surfing in from 30th street station! cupcakes rocked! Thanks Ginger!
My mom is an easy emotional crier - she cries when Santa appears at the end of the Thanksgiving Day parade.
And don't forget the ever important lesson - sex is bad.
t Super Porny Pants faints
never even heard the song before
I can't last through Danny Boy. Tears every time.
I cry at Pedigree commercials. David Duchovny narrating, and the little Jack Russell tilts his head? I'm gone.
I started crying over a song in a grocery store a couple weeks back.
I can't last through Danny Boy. Tears every time.
I cry at Pedigree commercials. David Duchovny narrating, and the little Jack Russell tilts his head? I'm gone.
Ha! Got you all beat. Yesterday I went to the basement to do laundry, and started crying just from noticing the big pet carrier (that we got for my move from Az to Mn). There wasn't even a specific memory triggered, I just desperately needed to drop the laundry and go snuggle my furry babies.
Oops. Sorry, Miss SPP! I should've whitefonted that for you.
David Duchovny narrating, and the little Jack Russell tilts his head? I'm gone.
Right there with ya, Bev. There's some days when I just have to hurry and change the channel because I *know* that I'm not going to survive one of those commercials without becoming a teary mess.
Never made it to the store today for cookie supplies. Instead I went to bed and read for a while and then got sucked into a marathon of Jon and Kate Plus 8 on TLC. Very non-productive day.