Oops. Sorry, Miss SPP! I should've whitefonted that for you.
David Duchovny narrating, and the little Jack Russell tilts his head? I'm gone.
Right there with ya, Bev. There's some days when I just have to hurry and change the channel because I *know* that I'm not going to survive one of those commercials without becoming a teary mess.
Never made it to the store today for cookie supplies. Instead I went to bed and read for a while and then got sucked into a marathon of Jon and Kate Plus 8 on TLC. Very non-productive day.
I'm a moron.
I never picked out that was Duchovny.
This commercial makes me cry like a baby every. single. time.
Oops. Sorry, Miss SPP! I should've whitefonted that for you.
t SPP swoops in, loop-de-loop, etc...
By sheer reflex I nearly SLAPPED you...
But as we have no safe-word I did not. The power of porn was stronger than the shock of blasphemy.
t SPP wooshes away
OMG I remember that commercial. Sweetest little kid in the world. I lose it when the mom says something about letting the son down though. That's a really great commercial.
I cry at Pedigree commercials. David Duchovny narrating, and the little Jack Russell tilts his head? I'm gone.
Oh totally. Between the dogs and the voice, I just melt into a puddle of goo.
By sheer reflex I nearly SLAPPED you...
Slapped? Whatever happened to good old fashioned spankings? Hmph.
Since I don't feel like tearing up... I'm watching The Princess Bride in French.
Bwahahaha! That's the WORST franglais rendition of Buttercup I have ever heard!
Although the French sounds pretty good; my only complaint so far is the young boy's reading - it lacks some of Fred Savage's nuanced lines. But this is much better than the dubbed voices for Buffy. They even have some lisping like Vizzini's.