Is marijuana also bad? What about pumpkin pie? I must know!
Can't speak to the pot, but pumpkin pie is most definitely GOOD.
I was thinking of making cookies today (since I've got all this free time now!) but now I kinda want to make pie. Mmmm, pie.
pumpkin pie is only bad when taken in combination with marijuana.
Gris, does Crazy Blind Date set you up with somewhere specific to meet this random person?
...eta well, I guess they'd have to, wouldn't they? Sorry, dumb question.
Ginger, adorable doggie and may I suggest Fred as a name?
The problem with Fred is that I've known several recalcitrant machines named Fred.
Westbrae, I've noticed, usually places in the bottom of the pack no matter what product they're testing.
Because it's made of organic floor sweepings. I am convinced of this.
I am not going to let one bad dinner spoil my plans for delicious whole wheat pasta. Next to try, TJ's.
Lordy, I am losing it. I went to the doughnut shop (v. delicious, must remember I only need ONE (they're huge)) and sat to drink my latte and eat my doughnut. And read a library book about a girl whose boyfriend breaks up with her because he's gay. And I started CRYING.
WTF, hormones? Crazy brain? No idea, but feel ridiculous. BUT SAD! Point of books is not to make me cry! Grr. Must go find trashy romance iwth happy ending or something.
I started crying over a song in a grocery store a couple weeks back. I mean allergies. Yeah, allergies.
I cry spontaneously over anything and everything. It's kind of embarrassing. Last night I was watching a DVR'ed episode of Torchwood (the one where
the dead guy follows Gwen around
) and one character starts singing
Danny Boy
and I started to cry. I've never even heard the song before, much less have any emotional connection to it! I mean, ridiculous.
surfing in from 30th street station! cupcakes rocked! Thanks Ginger!