A friend made whoe-wheat spaghetti noodles with chicken recently and it was very good. I noticed that the pastas was very much al dente and have been wondering if that helped with the texture, which I usually dislike.
Back to bed for me. I got up and had two baked potatoes and hopefully I can now sleep again.
One trick with whole wheat pasta. If I am doing things alone the line of classic spaghetti sauce, I boil it in broth with a teaspoon of olive oil rather than water. But I realize that I do tend to do a lot of stir frying with it.
It's Westbrae Natural. And I am ditching the rest of this box and getting the TJ's stuff instead. Because ww pasta seems like it should taste good and not like licking a bookcase.
Tho not vegetarian, I've been getting various turkey franks. Seems to be a bit healthier than the scrapings of the sluaghterhouse floor & stuffing them into casings. I tried tofu stuff, but the feel of it icked me out. So ya, I eat meat.
ION, sharing a hotel room with your mother. Ya. Not so fun. Me, night owl. She, morning person. She also shores and vocalizes in sleep (not talk per se). Doesn't help me get to sleep.
One more day. Despite all my grumblings, it has been a good visit.
Well, no--I do have limits. Whales, dolphins, and anything in the ape/monkey family. Those are the only non-visceral restrictions I've placed on myself. Or, perhaps, discovered I had. It's not something I've much questioned or thought through. I just wouldn't feel comfortable.
Add "pets" and you're me (no dogs, guinea pigs, rabbits... like that)
Barillia makes a protien pasta I really like. [link]
I almost bought that today but I went with the store brand and saved $1.
I love quorn
Ugh, that stuff is terrfiying! As a vegetarian who is allergic to chicken, i freaked out the first time i tasted quorn - the texture is WAY too close to chicken. (At least, what i remember chicken texture being like. From the last time i tasted it, when i was 10.)
Trader Joe and Morningstar both make frozen veggie corn dogs that are marvelous.
ooh my pasta is heavenly.
I'm a huge fan of the whole wheat no-cholesterol egg noodles that Safeway carries. Otherwise, I'll go for the Barilla high-protein pasta.
my store brand is nummy but then cardboard would probably be nummy with all the prosciutto and cream in this sauce.