My microwave is totally weak, I usually have to cook everything extra. I'll start them at the recommended time and adjust.
Finding convenience foods I can eat is always exciting. When they are actually tasty, I don't know if I'll be able to handle it.
and they get really nicely charred and crispy on the grill.
I need to try those.
I got the veggie dog habit from an ex who picked up the habit back when she'd been veggie. Generally the ones that taste nothing like actual hot dogs.
The way I generally explain it when people ask is that I don't think it's right to kill animals for food when I can easily survive without it. I've been vegetarian since I was 13.
Interesting. Thanks.
I'm the world's worst at dietary modification, no matter the issue--my health or anything else. So when people say "I'm a ..." that sets out rules for their eating it makes me pause and think.
Well, no--I do have limits. Whales, dolphins, and anything in the ape/monkey family. Those are the only non-visceral restrictions I've placed on myself. Or, perhaps, discovered I had. It's not something I've much questioned or thought through. I just wouldn't feel comfortable.
On purpose? Or accidentally?
I think it was on purpose, but that's just beastly. I'll have to ask her.
Whole wheat spaghetti is NOT delicious. Man, I thought that would be tasty and I feel like I just tried licking sawdust instead. I had such hopes.
Whole wheat spaghetti is NOT delicious. Man, I thought that would be tasty and I feel like I just tried licking sawdust instead. I had such hopes.
What brand? That sounds like my reaction to the Hodgson Mills kind. My reccomendation for the best is Bionaturae, but the Trader Joe's and Safeway house brands are also good.
Hmm - I like whole wheat pasta. But I tend to smother pasta with lots of sauce.
That's a shame, Cass. I'm sure I've had WW spaghetti that was delicious, but it might just be that my tastebuds are different from yours.
IME, the whole wheat spaghetti works best with things like a stir fry, where they make a passable substitute for soba noodles or that sort of thing. The whole wheat noodles are good too for savory things like stroganoff where the nuttiness is a plus. As straight spaghetti I can't stand them.
Mmmm...noodles. We at at Noodle & Co tonight and it was very, very tasty.
I've avoided whole wheat pasta because of the above reasons, even though it's supposed to be good for you.