I think my most mortifying mother moment was surveying all of a 5 year old K-Bug's bruises at a doctor's appointment. Who knew an active kid could get herself so banged up on the playground...
Famous family story.
My Father was a little boy, four or five, and his Mom was making pancakes. He kept running into the kitchen and bugging her with sillly things. Finally, she turned and yelled at him, shaking the spatula as she told him to cut it out.
It was an old-school spatula, big and heavy. As she shook it, head flew off the handle and clocked my Father above the eye. Naturally, this bled like hell.
They took him to the hospital, my Grandmother was MORTIFIED. And then it got worse...
Doctor: Billy, what happened to your head?
Dad: I was running in the house and I'm not supposed to. I tripped and hit my head on the radiator.
My Father was trying to COVER FOR HIS MOM! And they always told him if he ran in the house he's split his head open on the radiator so he went with that!
My poor Grandmother fell apart and started telling the doctor that not only had she hurt her own son, she hadn't coached him to lie about it. Since none of their eight children was ever abused he believed her. Can you
if that happened now?
Since I'm not a mother I have no moments myself, but my mother had a routine pediatrician appointment for my sister, K (age: weeks), the day after my sister G (age 2.5 yrs) cut off all of K's hair, eyebrows and eyelashes included. With my mother's super-sharp sewing scissors.
My DH and I have been busy arranging handymen, painters, floor-people, etc., for the new house. This morning he called me to say, "I think I need to give you more credit for planning the wedding because that was probably a lot more work, huh?"
JZ, Owen will run shrieking "HELP ME!" if I try to make him do anything he doesn't want--from putting on a fresh pull up, to sitting on the potty to brushing his teeth or even putting on the wrong color pajamas.
Liv does some shrieking when I have to get her dressed after the bath, too. Or if don't let her suck all the toothpaste out of the tube.
AT&T just saved themselves a customer. They have no coverage by our new house so they are waiving the hefty contract cancellation fees so I can switch to a different carrier. I will keep AT&T for my home service for now.
God, kids, eh?
...meanwhile, I randomly purchased a Manga series on DVD. It's called
I've only been watching it for five minutes, but at the moment I'm feeling an overwhelming urge to share it with Emily. Because so far, it seems to be a Manga
Thus far, it's awesome.
I'm so full of respect for the moms and dads around here and the work they do to raise their kids. You guys deserve way more than one mothers' or fathers' day a year.
I'm so full of respect for the moms and dads around here and the work they do to raise their kids. You guys deserve way more than one mothers' or fathers' day a year.
For reals.
(though I do admit snerking to the thought of Liv trying to eat all the toothpaste in the tube- totally sounds like a maneuver my niece would do too.)
Roommate home; dog happy.
We have heat! TCG figured out how to get it started today.
Yay, d's dad! That's fantastic news!
Yay, Emily's dad and yay for benefits!
Nora, TCG had what he calls the "Nora and Tom beer" last night and he greatly enjoyed it. Thanks again for sending him home with a bottle.
I'm so full of respect for the moms and dads around here and the work they do to raise their kids. You guys deserve way more than one mothers' or fathers' day a year.
Also, yay for fantastic news about your dad, Emily!
I have off today, so I'm about to run errands and pick up comics. Then I am reorganizing my desk/nerd hole area. Yay?