Sox, tons of ~ma to your DH! That sounds miserably stressful. Keep us updated.
This week has been crazy filled with Buffista meals, all of which I have criminally failed to report on until just now:
- Wednesday: Lunch at Delancey Street with Katarina Bee and her in-laws, who adore kids and offered a free lunch in exchange for the privilege of an hour in Matilda's company (I hope that doesn't make me her lunch pimp). After a brief warming-up period, Matilda was big giant bundles of TEH CUTE and TEH CONFIDENT, walking all over the restaurant and smiling at people and patting her reflection in the big copper coffee bar at one end, causing a ripple effect of swoons and twinging uteri all around the room.
Katie Bee's in-laws are excellent people, a dedicated crafter and a retired GP who insists on calling himself a retired quack, and Matilda was comfy enough to give them facepats before we parted. Then, bonus Katie Bee time chez Zmayhem while she reassembled a necklace Matilda had bitten in half and pondered Matilda in her silliest hat, a tin funnel from the kitchen, as a consequence of which we may be getting a little Tin Man costume for Matilda next week.
Yesterday: Lunch with billytea! And Hec, Suzi, vw, juliana and megan in her spiffy aubergine coat, with a special guest appearance by Java Cat, fresh off the ferry from San Rafael. Matilda wore her pumpkin costume and left a trail of bodies in her wake all the way from our neighborhood to the Ferry Building, where she turned out to like billytea quite a bit (photographic proof to be posted later).
Then: Dinner with vw! Which I actually assembled myself, in one of my twice-yearly forays into the kitchen for actual cooking! Followed by Pushing Daisies and lots of squeeing over Matilda's many excellences (with detours into lots of squeeing over how incredibly well vw's conference is going and how much support and enthusiasm her thesis is garnering).
Buffista-related goals for the next month or so: Game night with megan, lunch with Lee (n.b.: Matilda is much less fussy and squiggly and much charminger if you can get her past the noon mark), Monkey Noodle, see if I can entice any localistas into dressing up and going to the Dickens Fair for high tea (ISTG I'll never work there again, but dressing up for tea and waltzing is fun fun fun).