Logged into my work e-mail to check on my programming crisis and while I have the attention of some key people, we have discovered that the problem is much worse that I had realized.
I don't wanna go to work today, even if I'm just putting in a partial day.
Oh, Suzi, that is so sucky. I'm so sorry.
Cash, good luck with the move! Hope all goes as smoothly as possible.
Finally, I was gone for a long time, and apparently missed whatever caused Cindy not to be around.
I really miss her too. I remember she said she was taking a break from the Internet, but I don't remember her giving any particular reason.
bug, you are still up way early!
I know! Craziness!
Hey, Suzi, want me to go ahead and get ready to go, and we can head out so you can get to work? I'm up and can do that really easily.
Yeah.....we could do that. I need clothing on my body. Just so frustrated.
Meet you down here in 30???
Sounds good. I'll go jump in the shower.
Are you two in the same house? That's too funny.
ION, a guy I work with made a carrot cake and brought it in today. It is *so good*!
Argh. I'm worried. Greg's been having heart palpitations. Gonna bring him to the ER tonight when he gets home from work. I can't concentrate to do any work. Argh.
Oof. Calm~ma to you both, Jars.