I just got 3 cavities filled and the dentist recommended I have my wisdom teeth out. It cost $540, my face is numb and my teeth are sore, and I am feeling very sorry for myself. All commiseration hereby accepted.
Teeth suck. Also, I suck, for not flossing.
IGN review of MYSCL and the dvds.
Oh, poor flea. At least the wisdom teeth can wait awhile? Give your brain time to repress the horror of this visit.
I get free Chipotle today! Well, free for me. Not free for the company supplying it.
Poor flea! I feel your pain (quite literally, actually...)
Today terrorize the goat herders of Puerto Rico
I have seen neither goat herders or velociraraptors. It's not a very big island so I doubt they are hiding out anywhere.
Dress like a burrito and get a free one from Chipotle tomorrow:
So, I wonder if wrapping myself in tinfoil would be enough? Cause I might tinfoil myself for free food. But if I needed to actually do something more, like figure out a fake tortilla and fake fillings and fake beans? Um. No. Too expensive and too much work.