Dress like a burrito and get a free one from Chipotle tomorrow:
So, I wonder if wrapping myself in tinfoil would be enough? Cause I might tinfoil myself for free food. But if I needed to actually do something more, like figure out a fake tortilla and fake fillings and fake beans? Um. No. Too expensive and too much work.
Damn, flea, that sucks. I'm sorry for your mouth pain.
I have seen neither goat herders or velociraraptors. It's not a very big island so I doubt they are hiding out anywhere.
Maybe the velociraptors ate all the goat herders and then starved to death.
So, I wonder if wrapping myself in tinfoil would be enough? Cause I might tinfoil myself for free food.
I'm thinking a costume-sized amount of tinfoil might cost as much as the burrito. So, unless you're looking for a last-minute costume idea? I dunno. (PS: Off-white sheet for the tortilla.)
See. I knew there was a problem with my plan. and I think I missed my free world-series stolen base taco too.
The free taco is today, from 2-5. I don't know if that's 2-5 in all local time zones, though.
Do you have friends in a cafeteria anywhere? Getting the hookup on industrial tin foil would be key, I think.
OMG I really don't want to do anything today, and I'm pretty sure my minion doesn't really have anything to do, but I'm too lethargic to come up with anything. Bleh.
I think I missed my free world-series stolen base taco too.
No, you didn't. It's between 2-5 today at Taco Bell.