Oh dear, Kevin.
Everyone needs to get better soon. I am not sure if I am sick, or if the wisdom teeth I am having extracted in two weeks are causing my sinuses to go crazy. At least I figured out why it hurt so much-- there is a huge hole in my tooth at the gumline!
My mother had many of her teeth root-canaled and crowned in her twenties, and now, at 60 they are completely falling out. I understand that she is scared of the dentist and has little money, but I hope her teeth don't hurt like mine does. If that were the case, and I were her, I would rather get them all pulled out and gum everything, frankly.
Going home sick is an excellent call. Especially when you are sick.
Yikes, Sophia. Good luck w/that!
I think I'm going to go home sick myself. Unfortunately my bosses are in a meeting till 12:30...
One of my recurring nightmares is biting on something and having all my teeth crunch into little tiny pieces in my mouth.
I'm all stuffy nosed! It sucks. But I've taken lots of kid-related sick days this year already and am hesitant to take more. Even though I am sick.
I wanna go home, but I have a meeting at 10. Blarg and double blarg.
One of my recurring nightmares is biting on something and having all my teeth crunch into little tiny pieces in my mouth.
I have recurring nightmares about breaking teeth, too. Even before this recent bout with dental problems. And sometimes my teeth have turned into these weird, split things.
My tooth is actually hurting less today than yesterday-- perhaps it is just dying. I am getting it out in two weeks, so I just have to endure. It doesn't help that somehow I have forgotten to take my anti-depressent for 2 days, and am having those weird electric zap withdrawal symptoms. Sometimes, I am a dumbass.
I would like to not have to go to work, but BigLibraryBossMan is in town, so I have to go.
I'm not sick, but I am in dire need of nappy-times. That, or coffee. I wonder if the elevator's working yet....
We need to stage a rescue attempt to free shrift from the Land of Broken Elevators.
Or you know, sit and watch her unspool due to lack of coffee.