Speaking of elevators and yesterday! One tried to kidnap me! A bunch of us were on it going up, and my floor (7) was the highest. After 6 the readout goes "Z...7...Z ...6...Z ...5...Z ...4...Z ...3...Z ...2...Z ...1...Z ...2...Z ...3...Z ...4...Z ...5...Z ...6...Z ...7! Took me all the way down and back up again, no doors opening until the second time on 7.
I've had several out of control elevator nightmares. Now you're telling me it's real? Well, crap.
I've speant most of the day in the kitchen
- separated the yuck lettuce from the good lettuce and washed the good stuff up to make a salad for Monday work
- banana bread
- shortbread cookies from a mix
- brown rice
and I may still make an apple pie since I found pie crust dough in the freezer.
That and I ran 3 errands, got to hang out with a friend, 2 loads of laundry and no real melt-downs with mac. Possibly one of the best Sundays in a couple of months.
msbelle, your Sunday sounds lovely.
My Sunday is involving air travel but at least this time it looks like I'm not getting delayed in Dallas. Grabbing dinner on my layover now.
I am watching L&O:CI and I was just at the same intersection on the tv one hour ago! Msbelle would appreciate: the BK on Beaver.
With all my dreading going back to work tomorrow, I just remembered I'm only working four days next week AND the week after! I am ridiculous.
I'm high on DayQuil, doing laundry, and watching Dirty Jobs.
I watched two episodes of Dirty Jobs on my flight.
So, just when I thought I had the fucking cable box worked out, it decided not to record the stuff I had set for tonight, and I can't get it to record the channel I'm watching, even. Argh!
I'm watching Dirty Jobs right now. AIFG.