What the heck is a compound butter?
Butter mixed with other stuff.
you all do that mysterious "cooking" thing where you put lots of foods together over fire and it doesn't all come out burnt.
Eh, sometimes it does. You do less of the cooking thing the next time.
Yes, all the yes in the world, my sister in being almost twenty-five. Although I've got 'til April. People keep pointing out how I'm now in my mid-twenties and not my early twenties anymore. Like that makes a difference when in my brain I still think I'm fourteen.
Exactly! I swear that I haven't changed at all. And I'm still broke. And I'd much rather be going to class than to work. Even with homework. I like school that much. But I'm not that into teaching, so I won't be changing my career path just yet.
Alibelle, maybe he wasn't really a cop, he was a rogue psychology student doing radical field research?
It does seem possible. It's also possible that he ran my tags, I suppose, though I didn't notice it happening.
Giving cats medicine is really unpleasant. I recently had to give my cat April drops of amoxycillin (I'm not checking the spelling on that) in her mouth (and she was quite adept at clenching her teeth closed), then I had to get her to swallow a cortisone pill, and then I had to do a wash on her open wounds, and then I was supposed to put a cream on the wounds. Three times a day. That...really just didn't happen, though I certainly tried my best. It was way too much, for both her and me.
What do people recommend as a general music download source that will let me keep the music forever and won't limit my applications? I keep hearing songs on store Muzak that I need to download. I'm more than happy to pay a dollar or so for a song.
iTunes is offering DRM-free downloads, but that's by no means 100% of their catalogue.
I just got sent home early from teaching krav. Evidently I should go back to sleep.
Do most people really feel like iTunes is that limiting on their use of the music? Perhaps because I have an iPod, and use that as my main method of playback, and rarely burn CDs (except for drag performances), I have generally found iTunes to not be a problem. And if I did have one, I know I could just burn and re-upload the song(s) in question, no?
I have upwards of 1200 tracks purchased through iTunes and I haven't found it particularly limiting on those tracks.
Having to boil water if I want to wash anything in not-frigid water is getting very, very old. I've got the shower routine down, but it's kind of a pain in the ass. And...have to boil vats of water. Gnargh. My huge industrial soup-pot from the dollar store has paid for itself a million times over....
My brother refuses to buy on iTunes because of the limitations, but I can honestly say it's never stopped me from doing what I wanted to do with my music.
It only recently occurred to me that I'm screwed if I ever wanted to use another mp3 player, that in a sense I'm committed to the iPod forever. But I also wouldn't be surprised if Apple is legally forced to open up their songs to other players (hello, irony).
And if I did have one, I know I could just burn and re-upload the song(s) in question, no?
Yeah, if you burn the songs you've purchased from iTunes as a CD and then rip that CD again? Oh, hey, look what you just did there...