Timelies, all
I am so woefully behind here. I can kind of keep up with the Firefly and Heroes threads (though the latter likely won't be possible come the 24th) but everything else just moves way too fast for me at the moment.
Just wanted to pop in and say that Mattias and his mother are both doing well. He's figuring out how to roll and scooch around a little bit. He's still slower than a turtle about it, but he's getting closer and closer to being able to get himself into trouble. He's also smiling and babbling and, according to his mother, giggling, though I've yet to witness the last bit, unfortunately.
The new job is still going well. There's been some personel shake-ups that are a little disconcerting, but I'm still enjoying the environment and the people I work with.
We're hopefully getting closer to finding a house. We're taking a second look at a house the gf really likes today, as well as first looks at several others. The house she likes is far from perfect, but it meets our needs and the seller is highly motivated, so we might be able to get a good deal on it.
It's just as well the house search is moving along, because we're continuing to have issues with the apartment and now one of our upstairs neighbors has developed a severe attitude problem, so the sooner we can get out of here, the better.
House~ma to you, Kalshane! Also, less charitably, your upstairs neighbor can SHUT IT anytime now.
Any new Mattias pictures?
Hi, Kalshane! Good to see your font! Hope all goes well with the obtaining of house.
Hey, Kalshane! Good to hear an update -- housema to you!
A short stint of sitting outside reveals that it's still too cold to sit outside...
Aww, yay Kalshane! Good luck!
Alibelle, I understand your desire to be 19. I am now 30. When did that happen? I think I should be 27. 27 is a good number. It's old enough, but not too old. It's odd. I like the odd numbers better. And it's a cube! Can't I go back? Please? I mean, 30's been great so far, for these few weeks, but...dang.
The older I get, the older my ideal age becomes. Alas, it hasn't caught up with me yet. I'd like to be early- to mid-30s. I wouldn't want to be 19 again. I was an idiot at 19. Also broke.
Make a compound butter with lots of garlic, some cumin and black pepper, slather it on the corn, then wrap the corn in foil and grill or broil it.
Thanks. Did this. Really, really good.
Oh, I meant to ask. What the heck is a compound butter? And why does everyone else seem to know? Okay, I know, you all do that mysterious "cooking" thing where you put lots of foods together over fire and it doesn't all come out burnt.
What the heck is a compound butter?
Butter mixed with other stuff.
you all do that mysterious "cooking" thing where you put lots of foods together over fire and it doesn't all come out burnt.
Eh, sometimes it does. You do less of the cooking thing the next time.