I quite liked the movie, Burrell, but I can't for the life of me remember the pacing. I found SLJ and Christina entrancing. I like her brand of trashy hot.
I checked my site and I don't have any Moan-era pictures of her, but this stands out enough that I wonder if I should get rid of it.
It's just so wholesome.
Okay, I had a large nap. This doesn't bode well. My head hurts, also boding ill. Once you get into has-no-painkillers, we understand that this might be a very long weekend.
I'm sure we will see him again too. I just hope it's done a little differently than Voodoo.
I agree about some of the storylines as well. I feel like the writers spent the summer watching too many soaps, or maybe One Tree Hill.
Is FNL having a sophomore slump? What's wrong with people? What's so hard about S2? And, yeah, Josh Schwartz, I'm looking at you.
ita, it looks like the network put some pressure on the showrunners to, oh, sex it up a bit. Which I think is funny because it's not like the characters weren't getting sex already.
But it's more soapy, yeah. I think there are fewer quiet moments of character insight; they're painting with a broader brush. In particular,
Julie's characterization is being pushed too hard, I think.
Also, and maybe this is just me, but
where the hell is Smash? He's in the credits, but we've hardly seen him. And I want to see Waverly.
Ah, finally there's more plot than moan. Still, you'd think he could find her a pair of pants. I like the actors, tho' both characters are nutty as all get out.
Don't get rid of that picture ita, although yeah she looks too clean cut, but she was actually pretty then. I know, she's sexier now, but she's lost most of what actually made her face pretty.
Not just you, Consuela. I noticed that last ep.
Oof. Awake now. Actually awake for the past hour and a half.
Just waking up here. Gronk.
I'm at the beach in the rain. I just walked the dogs and now Im watching Joe and the surfers. This is my favorite sort of morning here.
(We are waiting in the car because I can tell Toby is thinking about "rescuing" the surfers.)
I have a cold! It woke me up, which doesn't make any sense, because shouldn't I sleep it away?