But honestly, I deal with two immuno compromised kids, both of whom are giant fans of the hands-in-the-mouth school of self-soothing.
Yeah, that's different. I also gave a pass to a friend who handed me Purell before she handed me the baby, because then she told me to stick my finger in the baby's mouth! Hilarious.
I don't wipe down carts, but I Purrell my own hands after.
The only active ingredient in Purrell is alcohol, so I'm not sure how much it's feeding the super bugs anyway.
I think Albertson's has handwipes available at the entrance. I'm not big on anti bacterial stuff, but I do use it at my desk before I eat or after I've dealt with boxes from Fed Ex and UPS (they're always kind of nasty). Our office supply store has antibactieral folders which I think is taking things too far.
Last night was the 2nd episode of Viva Laughlin, it was oddly compelling. bad but compelling.
Corwood, I am so sorry to hear about your brother.
The only active ingredient in Purrell is alcohol, so I'm not sure how much it's feeding the super bugs anyway.
It gets them drunk and saucy?
It beer-goggles them and they hit on only average bugs?
Help, hivemind. How do you pronounce "Esau"?
Have I mentioned that I can't wait to be done teaching this unit? Okay. Just checking.
I do generally wash my hands once I come in from being outside, be it at work or home.