I found that I remembered things best if I copied over my notes from a lecture-heavy class ASAP after the class was done. It gave me easier-to-read notes, and burned the info into my head better than the first time around.
Did your system involve recopying your notes with different colored pens?
I sometimes wondered why I bothered to highlight when I was reading a text right before an exam, because it's not like I was planning to go back to it. But I think it still had its benefits as a study tool, because the act of marking the text made me read it more slowly and therefore absorb more information.
Post-Its are really not good for books.
You can't leave them in too long, because they start to become more permanent. I pull them all out after a project.
I sometimes wondered why I bothered to highlight when I was reading a text right before an exam, because it's not like I was planning to go back to it. But I think it still had its benefits as a study tool, because the act of marking the text made me read it more slowly and therefore absorb more information.
Thereby looping this conversation right back to the beginning and making Kristin's point!
We need the ability to highlight parts of posts.
Umm... just because.
Is Tep (or anyone else familiar with the Cincinnati airport) around?
Delta just called to tell me my Xmas flights have been changed, leaving 30 minutes to transfer planes in Cincinnati. I'm flying in First Class (on FF miles) and wasn't planning on checking luggage, so is that absolutely out of the question? It's the red eye leaving at midnight and arrivng at 7am, so I'm thinking delays are
likely than normal.
Also? Changing will be next to impossible at this date since I'm using miles. Thanks Delta!
In what way is
a level-47 word? Have these free-stingy-quantities-of-rice people never hung out with Hec?
Today has been kicking my ass. I'm so taking a special Friday nap after work.
In what way is pomade a level-47 word? Have these free-stingy-quantities-of-rice people never hung out with Hec?
Or seen
O Brother, Where Art Thou?