Is Tep (or anyone else familiar with the Cincinnati airport) around?
Delta just called to tell me my Xmas flights have been changed, leaving 30 minutes to transfer planes in Cincinnati. I'm flying in First Class (on FF miles) and wasn't planning on checking luggage, so is that absolutely out of the question? It's the red eye leaving at midnight and arrivng at 7am, so I'm thinking delays are
likely than normal.
Also? Changing will be next to impossible at this date since I'm using miles. Thanks Delta!
In what way is
a level-47 word? Have these free-stingy-quantities-of-rice people never hung out with Hec?
Today has been kicking my ass. I'm so taking a special Friday nap after work.
In what way is pomade a level-47 word? Have these free-stingy-quantities-of-rice people never hung out with Hec?
Or seen
O Brother, Where Art Thou?
If you're not changing airlines, I would think you could make a 30-minute transfer in Cinti. The terminal is relatively compact. If one of your flights is on the small regional jets, you might have to take a bus out to the outer terminal, and that would slow you down, but if it's all big Delta planes I think it would work.
I found that I remembered things best if I copied over my notes from a lecture-heavy class ASAP after the class was done. It gave me easier-to-read notes, and burned the info into my head better than the first time around.
I did this for lecture heavy, fact heavy classes (like Western Civilization). For Western Civ, my friend and I studied for exams by taking turns holding my notebook and prompting each other to recite, verbatim, my notes. I
I have a book of e e cummings poetry, not sure which one, but about half way through someone underlined every word of every poem. Not the whole line of poetry but each word seperately. It makes me wonder what that person was thinking.
Did your system involve recopying your notes with different colored pens? I'd just rip the five or so pages of scrawl out and then rewrite them on the next clean pages in the notebook. That history prof was notorious for giving a LOT of info in a fifty-minute class, and I had to recopy it pretty quickly to be able to interpret the messy handwriting. He didn't believe in textbooks, so 99 percent of his tests were from the lectures.
It makes me wonder what that person was thinking.
"Words. e e cummings uses words. Words are important. Each word is individually important. Because e e cummings chose each word."
Something like that?