I wanted a book about Buffy, or at least Buffy fans and their interesting activities...
I'm not sure how a book about a guy's work bringing people together isn't talking about fandom. Instead I'm just trying to imagine the calibur of activities the author was expecting. Maybe a F2F rumble with a Babylon 5 group?
AAAnd my usual-skipping-again-sigh to post that, according to the Buffista Calendar, today is Burrell's birthday.
Happy birthday, Burrell! With lots of wishes for a great day and a wonderful year!
Happy Birthday, Burrell!
In other news, it looks like iTunes screwed up and has tonight's episode of Avatar available ahead of schedule.
Hippo Birdies, Burrell!
I realize one of the problems I've had this week was that I'm either waking up way way too early or way too late, and suddenly the sun isn't rising until 7 AM! No wonder I can't rely on the light to wake me up, damn it.
NOW it's Happy Birthday, Burrell!
It'll get better in a couple of weeks with the time change, Theo. But yeah, this morning I had trouble convincing myself that I really had fixed my alarm clock after Wednesday's Way Too Early wake-up.
Maybe a F2F rumble with a Babylon 5 group?
How bad is it that it wasn't the fact that I woke up coughing and snezing that tipped the balance to needing to stay home, but the fact that a cat had horked all over was? Not that I need to watch whichever cat, but coughing & sneezing+ hork was just Too Much.
Happy Birthday Burrell!
I should have taken the hint when tornado coverage last night bumped the premiere of Viva Laughlin to 2:07 am in my market. Watching it used up an hour of my life and gave me a headache in return.