who wants to point the crazy finger, really?
You do.
At her.
Actualy, sara, so do I. I have an Astelin and two Nasonexes in each nostril every morning
night. Which is kinda why this is so weird, because it's just one nostril. It feels like I should just tip over in that medicated direction.
Also because the others...well, it's allergy stuff. For the nose. This is narcotic. For the brain.
Which it seems to have just hit.
I may need to send a couple drugged up text messages.
My friend's father's dog is in a clinical trial for doggy allergy medicine, I can't remember which, but a popular human pill one, and they're giving it by spraying it in his mouth, which I guess is the same difference as up your nose. Anyway, my friend's father tasted the stuff. Because he felt bad for the dog.
my friend's father tasted the stuff. Because he felt bad for the dog.
Did it have an effect on the guy? That's kinda...it's dog medicine.
Actually, what's weirdest is that I don't feel confident about dosage this way. You take a pill, you took a pill, right? Even liquids are easier, in my head. Was that pump I took really a proper pump? Maybe I oversprayed myself. How can I be sure?
Okay. drugged up text message sent.
It's exactly the same as the people medicine, except for the dosing, apparently, but anyway, he only tasted a little, and said it was NAST. No report on any allergy symptoms.
ALI!!! Come back to SF and play!!!
It shouldn't be the same. It should be, like, beef flavoured. I mean, to be fair.
And that's why he felt so bad for the dog!
I can't! It was loads of fun, but I will be paying off my credit card for the next five years.
Though I suppose it's possible San Francisco isn't to blame for all debt.
Yeah, but still. I think that's a little harsh.
If it had said "2008: The end of an error," I wouldn't have harshed on it. It's the fact that they specified the inaugural date and got it wrong that bugged me. I mean, in the whole process of designing, printing, and shipping that sticker, no one noticed the mistake? This isn't just one person having a brain fart or making a typo. I know I'm a pedant, but I stand by my cringe.
Though I suppose it's possible San Francisco isn't to blame for all debt.
All my debt is here. Well, except for the nationally funded debts.