1 Memphis, TN $79,000 (Median home sale price 2006)
Cue bitter laughter on my part, as I'm being forced out of my home by prices more than twice that high. If only they were just asking 79 grand...
Hey--just watched the Sci Fi Channel's marathon of Kindred: The Embraced (I suppose it's possible that's what made me lose consciousness--C Thomas Howell was pretty appalling) and wondered--was it cancelled in its own right, or did it have to do with Mark Frankel's death?
I'm pretty sure it was cancelled in its own right and his motorcycle crash came afterwards.
Thanks for the thoughts for Teddy, all. I've found a list of hospitals that perform feline kidney transplants. If anyone has contacts at animal shelters in those areas, I'd bet most or all of those hospitals would appreciate new sources of donors.
The gigantor storm bearing down on us is already squishing my head. Stupid barometric pressure drop! Coffee can't touch you!
Okay, they are already checking my references from the interview yesterday. It's all happening too fast. I need time to think. I hope the paperwork gets slowed up somewhere.
Nine proofs that Google is God
For the love of Pete. That's a lot of energy to put into reacting to a joke.
Google is great, but it's no Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Google is great, but it's no Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Well, what is?
Answer: Nothing!
Nothing is better than eternal happiness. But the FSM is better than nothing. Ergo, FSM is better than eternal happiness.