Bartleby communicates exclusively through stares. The big 5 stares...which I have fortunately learned to identify. The good thing about that is no whining, the bad thing about that is stealth and suffering if I don't happen to notice where he is/what he needs.
I recite the 5 phrases of stare, i.e. Do you want breakfast or supper, go pee, outside (which is different, and walk oriented) and go to bed. He waits patiently until I hit the right one and then makes a little jump.
Speaking of walking, he's nearly 7 and I've never taught him to heel. Thanks to the Dog Whisperer (tm) and a 10 inch leash, we are enjoying the best walks of our life together! Longer and way more fun. No sniffing, pulling, dodging about or messing with other creatures unless I let him go. It's a dream! Plus, he walks way, way faster with this method, so we are both getting superior exercise.
I don't agree with everything Cesar Millan says, but this leash thing rocks. And my winter on ice will be much less perilous!
feh. my treo seems to have gone kaplooey. won't sync, won't turn on until the button is pressed several times. wont/cant make phone calls. Feh. Not good when I'm about to travel. I'm sure as hell not giving the boss my personal cell number. guess this solves the question of whether I'm taking my laptop.
For the love of Joseph...
I've spent the past two days curled up at home in sufficient stomach flu/food poisoning pain that it pushed my migraines into second place. Finally seemed to have gotten past that--ate an apple and sipped some Vitamin Water. Yay, me!
And then fainted on my way to my bedroom, boinking my head and spilling water. At least it was a plastic cup.
I'm really a little disappointed in myself.
Hey--just watched the Sci Fi Channel's marathon of Kindred: The Embraced (I suppose it's possible that's what made me lose consciousness--C Thomas Howell was pretty appalling) and wondered--was it cancelled in its own right, or did it have to do with Mark Frankel's death?
I need to go get my meds, but I'm worried I'll sever an artery somehow. Or set myself on fire.
I need to go get my meds, but I'm worried I'll sever an artery somehow. Or set myself on fire.
It's like the migraines have turned you into Cass...
I hope your pinky doesn't turn against you, ita. Jeepers.
Good heavens, ita. That sounds miserable!
Pushing Daisies:
Trudy, it's not just you.
It seems so unfair to wake up at 5 AM, too hot to sleep. It didn't help that I had two cats on my bed, radiating heat through their fur and pinning me down.
ita, we are going to have to put you in a bubble soon. For your own protection.
Yikes, ita. That sounds like exactly what you didn't need. All of it.