Amarna doesn't mess around with poking; she goes whole hog in getting my attention. If I'm sitting on the couch, she'll launch herself onto my lap or walk behind me and then stroll onto my chest to curl up for some petting.
If I'm laying down on the couch, she'll either launch onto my stomach or on the couch arm first and then MEOW into my face from either my chest or the couch arm (she likes to do this from above me if at all possible, since it makes for a more assertive pose) and then move to my stomach for some kneading and curl up for petting and a snooze.
If I'm on the computer, she'll try bumping her head along my arm or hand for petting, and if that doesn't work, she'll simply walk onto my stomach/chest for a snuggle (like she did this morning when I was trying to do my morning load from the work laptop at home--it's hard cleaning out a Word file of extraneous lines while a cat is curled up on one arm).
In bed, she'll simply walk all over me meowing to get attention and put her head under any hand that's not tucked under the covers. Biting is always an option, but she seems to only do so when she's tempted beyond all restraint by an expanse of white fleshy arm lying right in front of her face to gnaw on. And she never scratches deliberately, unless I'm shoving her in her carrier to go to the vet.