NZ women most promiscuous: survey
New Zealand women have the most sexual partners in the world, according to a global sex survey reported on Saturday.
They have an average of 20.4 sexual partners, according to a survey by condom-maker Durex - well above the global average of 7.3.
The Durex Sexual Wellbeing Global survey, which questioned 26,000 people in 26 countries, found that Austrians topped the male list with 29.3 sexual partners, more than twice the global average of 13.2.
New Zealand was the only country where women were more promiscuous than their men, who averaged 16.8 sexual partners, The Press newspaper said, reporting the survey.
The survey showed that Austrians were the youngest to lose their virginity at an average of 17.3 years, followed by Brazilians (17.4), Germans (17.6) and New Zealanders (17.8).
I've heard that people tend to under-report the number of their sexual partners when asked for surveys....
OK, I'm researching how one goes about emigrating to New Zealand.
And when you do something wrong, he comes riding, riding, riding after you.
So totally what I was thinking.
Because, you know, of course it probably isn't, but what if it's that ONE TIME and I'm the person who cut him off?
That happened to my sister once. She was driving to work down a 25 mph road and this guy came zooming up and tailgating her so she id what most of my family does in this situation and slowed down even more. So they crept along. And the guy turned off into a hospital parking lot.
I try to remember that when other drivers are pissing me off too much.
New Zealand was the only country where women were more promiscuous than their men
Are women that far outnumbered by men? Or, who are they sleeping with?
Racing pumkins...No really
We're not kidding. As the story begins: "Ever wondered what happened to those enormous pumpkins after they're taken to the fairs to be put on display?" Well, some people have decided it is OK to race them. Not only that, but they race them down a river!
If only they raced pumpkins in New Zealand, it would be the bestest place to live evah!
eta: More: [link]
I saw the pumpkin boatrace stuff on tv . . . I swear I did. I just can't remember what program but I bet it was on Food Network.
Everyone except a few drivers that stay in the right lane to pass everyone lined up in the big-assed long line and then cut into the lane to the left only when the right lane is finally closed. Wrong?
It's wrong, but the situation is wrong to begin with, too. In magic fantasyworld of good drivers, what should happen in is that people use both lanes as long as they can, and then TAKE TURNS at the merge. It's a much more efficient use of the road. And less stressful.
Because people aren't taught to do this, I switch lanes early. But if it's seriously stop-and-go, when I get to the merge I will usually let one car in out of, I don't know, idealism.
On a completely unrelated note, tommyrot, did you see this?
On a completely unrelated note, tommyrot, did you see this? [link]
Awww... widdle cutie kitty boo-boo snuffy-wuffy-kins!
I think most of the alleged "ugly" in that photo is the kitty's expression in response to being dressed in such a fashion....