the people who don't pay attention to the mile and a half of signage telling them that this is a Fastrak lane
The advantage of having a governor who said that you either have an I-Pass or are paying double tolls is that just about every commuter has an I-Pass. Even those who don't do much highway driving, like my dad, are thinking about getting one for those occasions when they do venture on the tollways.
The Highwayman
OK, I just guffawed and had to explain myself to the two chaplains who are currently sharing my office.
OK, I just guffawed
"Stand and deliver--your keys and your driver's license, you moron!"
And he HAS to have a coat of claret velvet and breeches of brown doeskin.
And when you do something wrong, he comes riding, riding, riding after you.
And he can apologize to the passengers for the inconvenience.
I do try to think, "Maybe it's really an emergency" when I see people doing otherwise assholish things on the road. Okay, I know most of the time it isn't, but I'm trying to improve my karma, so I think to myself, "Hey, maybe he has to get to the hospital in 5 minutes or his leukemia-ridden pregnant wife will blow up a schoolbus full of kids." Or something.
Because, you know, of course it probably isn't, but what if it's that ONE TIME and I'm the person who cut him off?
When I was driving in Virginia, they had lanes that closed during certain hours of the day - big red X over them. WTF.... I was in one for a mile or two before I figured out that I shouldn't be. I'm sure I pissed off a few folks who thought I was trying to just be zippy. Nope. Clueless.
I can usually tell clueless or lost drivers from assholes.
Assholes drive like toddlers on monkey crack. Clueless or lost drivers drive like drunk toddlers.
At least that's how it works out in my head.
NZ women most promiscuous: survey
New Zealand women have the most sexual partners in the world, according to a global sex survey reported on Saturday.
They have an average of 20.4 sexual partners, according to a survey by condom-maker Durex - well above the global average of 7.3.
The Durex Sexual Wellbeing Global survey, which questioned 26,000 people in 26 countries, found that Austrians topped the male list with 29.3 sexual partners, more than twice the global average of 13.2.
New Zealand was the only country where women were more promiscuous than their men, who averaged 16.8 sexual partners, The Press newspaper said, reporting the survey.
The survey showed that Austrians were the youngest to lose their virginity at an average of 17.3 years, followed by Brazilians (17.4), Germans (17.6) and New Zealanders (17.8).
I've heard that people tend to under-report the number of their sexual partners when asked for surveys....