But *everybody* thinks "well, fine, I'll be the last person"
It's an extra chore, but when it's all over, perhaps you should send out a group e-mail scorecard, showing who completed what and when. Won't help with this project, but might help with the next one....
I may not be a good internet auntie, I just know babies with colds are miserable.
OK, no one else can probably follow this, but is that a new Helen ex-Lynley on Inspectory Lynley? Cause I don't recall this actress at all. The other seemed more vulnerable. This one is a badass.
Of course, I could be confused.
Won't help with this project, but might help with the next one....
I dare guess you've never worked with Israelis before. Nobody (other than me) will remember anything next year. But thank you anyway for the offer. It's very comforting to know that I'm not alone in being awake, even if y'all are in different timezones.
"Kurt," actually Werner von Trapp has died at 91. [link]
I know, Dana! I almost didn't want to say anything.
Inspector Lynley (not that any one cares)
so they got a new actress for his ex-wife for all of an ep to kill her off.
That's lame.
LOVE inspector Linley... and that is lame.
Quick question for theater people. A friend got pressured into playing the madman in the Telltale Heart for Halloween. (How original!). The question, at the end when he starts raving he breaks into uncontrollable laughter. Are there any tricks real actors know for not breaking up when delivering lines they find hilarious?
Go ahead and laugh, just make it sound maniacial?