Timelies all!
Went to a surprise birthday for a friend(since her birthday was in the summer, it was quite a surprise) which was nice. Got to see some folks we hadn't seen in months.
I don't tend to remember much of my dreams. All I can recall of last night's dream(s) was that it started at something like a convention, and ended up with people shooting darts/syringes for distance, which was linked to a dead person who had many drugs in their system. I don't know, either...
I had dream about a weird family reunion at a carnival. All I remember is playing a video game with my nephew we were calling "Bite the Baby," where the objective was to make these babies float from their position to the bottom of the screen to the top of the screen without getting bitten by dogs. Very strange.
I am seriously unmotiviated to do anything this weekeend. Not review for my interview on wednesday, not make food for myself, not even go to a movie. I feel like a lazy lump. I think it's all the muscle relazants I've been taking. I'm too relaxed.
I had a dream about a bunch of buffistas getting together to be interviewed about Teh Intarweb, or something. And then I was with friends, and for some reason it seemed a good idea ot set up our chairs in the middle of the street. Then we got yelled at for that.
Stephen Colbert has an op-ed in today's NYT: [link]
I think I need to marry Steve Colbert.
Stephen Colbert has an op-ed in today's NYT
I think he really needs to be present to sell his character-- when it's just written word without him delivering it, it falls flat, at least to me. YSCMV
Does this mean that if I go back to school, I'll stop having dreams about not studying for the final exam, and have dreams about missing work instead?
Scola, are you going back to school?
Lee! No channeling ita!
Speaking of whom, I hope she's having a good vacay, or at least isn't in migraine hell.
t edit
Happy Birthdays, birthday triplets!
Scola, are you going back to school?
No, I was just wondering out loud why Theo was having dreams about work when she just went back to school.
t Skipping in order to whine
t Whine whine, I'll probably have to work all night, as is always the case with that specific report to that specific research grant because I always get the data on the very last minute from the seventeen thousand people who collaborate on it
t Whine whine
Oof, that tag never closes. Whine whine about that, as well.
So, how is everybody doing? I hope you have absolutely lovely Sunday mornings, to make up for my whining whine whine. I'm too whine-y to threadsuck and actually, you know, do the polite thing and read and find out. Whine whine. Um, or something.
"It's no secret you turn to potatoes in times of need." -- Daniel, Ugly Betty
Teppy, a few weeks ago I got a tape from a friend with the beginning of "Ugly Betty", the first season, and a "You *have* to see this!" excited recommendation. We had an Israeli version (of the original telenovela), which was mostly silly, and not much more than that. My friend assured me that the USA version is great. Your tagline makes me guess that you agree with her?
(For the record: I'm not spoiled, your tagline doesn't spoil me, because I have no idea who is who and what, other than the very basic frame of the story and the existence of a character named Betty.)