Or. get sick now so you won't be sick at Thanksgiving?!
OK. Just watching GA. How much do I love when Bailey gets mad at the Residents
sending all of their castoffs to the clinic
and she snaps at Lexie with
"The clinic is not a dumping ground for strays. We are not the island of broken interns."
Still love Bailey.
I'd prefer to go with not sick at all!
Hey, PHC is airing from the Hippodrome in B'more. I didn't know that.
Prairie Home Companion, I assume.
This conversation is interesting. Mostly I'm just, "the electoral college has problems" but not more specific than that.
Your dreamcook amuses me. It was doing fine with the cherries bit, but beyond that...
When we were on the road all the time, I was always obsessed with McDonald's Monopoly. We would always get all the properties except the winning one in each category. Which I know is normal. Just that we ate a lot of McDonald's.
Although thinking about it now, it makes me a little sad, 'cause I suggested to the SO that we play Monopoly the other night, and it turns out that it wasn't just a harkening back to my childhood, but instead, a subconscious response to a marketing scheme. I am very suggestible.
Happy Birthday Matt, Cashmere and Megan!
Happies to Cashmere, Matt, and megan walker!
I just had to spend over $300 on a new pair of glasses due to a Halloween maze incident last night. Dead body took out one of my lenses in a strobe light room--no way to find it without having them shut down the maze (which I just wasn't going to do to ND & Co.), and I figured it was probably stepped on about three second after it popped out anyway. Thought I could have Lenscrafters replace the lens, but turns out they can't do that for glasses without a bottom frame unless they have the lens to use as a model. Oops. Can you say, "Totally useless overpriced frames," class? I like my new glasses much better than my old ones, though, so I've got that going for me.
P.S. "A dead body broke my glasses" may be my favorite excuse ever.
Happy birthday to Cashmere, Matt, and megan!!
Happy Birthday Matt, Cashmere and Megan!
and though I never want to need it - I am defiantly going to use the "dead body broke my glasses " excuse if I need it.
Happy Birthday, Megan, Matt, and Cashmere!
I had a lovely lunch with a friend in White Marsh (MD) today, and as I was driving back up 95, I got my first ever speeding ticket. I'd bitch and moan, except I was, you know, speeding. Which, really, I don't usually do more than ten miles over the speed limit, and much of the time, I actually drive the speed limit, but I was trying to get past this guy who couldn't decided whether he was in a Nascar race or a gokart race, and I just... was impatient and non-law-abiding. To the tune of $160. Now I need to go figure out if this means I'll have points on my license. On the upside, no outstanding warrants.