Voters are the buyers. Dollars can be looked on as votes. I guess a better example would be "how many new Ford Tauruses will be put on the road this year". The voters are buyers. The dollars are votes. The other options are all other cars (new and used) for sale, plus not buying a new (to you) car.
But that's still not a decision-making process that Arrow's theorem is applicable to. The number of new Tauruses will be the number bought. There's no function there.
I am obsessed with McDonald's Monopoly. I swear that I've gained ten pounds this week alone. I think I might have to stop soon.
Happy Birthday Matt, Cashmere and Megan!
Yes, but as another former New Englander I really shouldn't be trusted to be objective on the white shoe rule--the training, it goes deep.
Southerner here, but it goes deep as well. some allowances are made for tropical climates, but I still say go bone.
On my first trip, megan and I learned, never go to costco on Saturday.
oh yeah. Now that I live in DC, I will take a long lunch and go in the middle of the day during the week. Usually Tuesday (weekend shoppers have already shopped, they need Monday to restock, Tuesday is fresh and awesome)
Happy Birthday to Matt, Cashmere and Megan!
Happy Birthdays all around! Drinks are on me! In a totally can't afford to spend any money kind of way.
A happy birthday trio!
I had the dumbest dream this morning. Now, when I'm sleeping in, it isn't uncommon for me to start dreaming of makiong food, cause I get hungry. Except in this one, I was pan-cooking a pork chop and some cut of beef and decided it was too plain. So I decided to add some dried cherries and cranberries and make a sauce. Oh & how about some cut up melon. Then I topped the whole pan with leftover mashed potatoes and shredded cheese.
I woke up completely uninterested in food.
sarameg, your dreamself is not allowed near any thanksgiving food prep.
Yea, it is an awkward situation and so I guess the cards are a good thing. Or you know, a letter or phone cal.
I am so tired today.
Alibelle, wanna go do something?
No kidding. It was really gross.
ION, I am not getting sick. I'm hoping the drastic weather change combined with a sneeze attack (dust caused) yesterday just made part of my nasal passages raw. Uhg.