Thanks, all! (And congrats to Miracleman!)
You all may be looking over clothing items, I'm currently drooling over Alienware desktop computers. Between my Visual Studio programming and my Visual Media 3D classes, I could actually justify a high-end system with actual bells and whistles. Also, I could use it for an upstairs DVR/TV. And it would light up....
oh, shrift, that sucks.
The one job I interviewed for and then said in my thank you note "Um, don't bother considering me", one of the (many) issues was when I saw the office, they had those cubes that only have token walls, and are like, waist high. I was all "Hell no". Cubes are bad enough. Faux cubes are tools of the devil.
Time-Warner just changed their DVR software to something new. They're also threatening to upgrade all of their old DVR boxes to this new software.
Does this explain why I've been having so much trouble with the old software? I have to soft or hard reset an average of once a day.
I'm currently drooling over Alienware desktop computers. Between my Visual Studio programming and my Visual Media 3D classes, I could actually justify a high-end system with actual bells and whistles.
You know Dell bought them. If you want a high-end system with actual tech support, we've been pretty happy with our machine from Falcon Northwest.
shrift, you need one of those security glare screens that only allows people to look at your monitor when they're standing directly behind you.
This could come in handy when you have to hide the dead bodies.
"What's that horrible smell?"
"It always smells like that."
Tell me something nice, anything at all, about your week.
Department meeting was cancelled?
Annoying coworker has crossed the line. We just recieved a package and there was confusion over where it was to go. I brought it back to my office, opened it and took it where it belonged. On my way back here, I overhear from is office, "So Daisy finally got off her ass..." to the trainee we have here from Houston.
Think you're hot shit asshole? We'll see when boss lady gets back.
Seriously, he's been insufferable for about 2 weeks now.
Bought by Dell, huh? One reason that I'm actually intrigued enough by them is that they will set up the computer with acoustic dampening (aka inside padding) and liquid cooling, which means I won't have to listen to a small but annoying fan whining whining whining, which honestly in a cubeland environment isn't so bad (white noise kind of drowns out all the voices) but in a nice quiet house puts my teeth on edge.
Of course, this all costs....
Good lord, Daisy.
shrift, I'm sorry about your new poopy dead workplace.
You guys really aren't making me want to go back to work next week. I've done pretty well being off -- I've been out of my neighborhood every day so far! (I was a little afraid I wouldn't leave the house.)