WOOHOOO OVERREACTION ROCKS!!!!! (um...glad it wasn't really bad news anyway)
Last night I went to the mall to see if I could find something to wear to my friend's mid-day outdoor wedding in FL next week. After trying on every single vaguely possible dress at Anthropologie where nothing fit right, I found this at Banana Republic and got it.
And then we took a spin through H & M, just to check it out, and found a raspberry dress with, of all things, an empire waist. I may look slightly pregnant in it but like an effing FABULOUS pregnant lady.
I would never have tried it on if my friend I was shopping with (the bride actually) hadn't been there. But she loved it so much i just had to try.
And it looks great with my favoritest turquoise sandals that I was hoping to wear. Crazy!
Anyway, I think I'll keep the first dress because I think it looks pretty good and will be handy. Even though I feel guilty because it was expensive and the H & M dress was only $35.
Smooth sailing, Kat!
Liese, that's a great shirt.
Isn't it? 10 bucks! I bought one in violet and one in black. If I like it, I'm totally buying the other two colors, 'cause they're all jewel tones. It needs to turn up, though, 'cause I leave for the venue in an hour. UPS shows it on the truck for delivery, but who knows when it'll actually land on my porch. I should have it for tomorrow's show, though.
Between all the Tim Gunning and our conversation here, I went to buy books for the kiddoes at the youth center and saw a copy of Color Me Beautiful. Hee! I bought it (it was a quarter) and remembered all the stuff in it. It's crazy politically incorrect (calls me Oriental, for one) but I remembered that I do look really good in jewel tones.
I would be happy to have an all-black wardrobe. It would be an improvement over the outdoorsy identity color schemas. But if I'm going to add color to my wardrobe, and I think I should, I think I'll add red and purple. Those are appropriately dark and bloody enough, shouldn't freak my kiddoes out too badly, and are primary or jewel colors I should be able to wear.
But if I'm going to add color to my wardrobe, and I think I should, I think I'll add red and purple.
If there's one near you at all check out H & M! There's a ton of great grape things in there now. (I don't remember about red, though.) And is super cheap usually.
But if I'm going to add color to my wardrobe, and I think I should, I think I'll add red and purple.
This is me! Except pink too. But I've been adding more red and purple lately. And dark green.
I wish I didn't feel like I was at war with my body.
I also mostly have an all-black wardrobe. When I do add color, I go for dark colors (forest green, dark plum, deep red). I covet a lot of pink, but I know I wouldn't wear it for fear it would showcase the gut.
I am now excited to hit H&M and Banana in my search for a dress to wear to a wedding! Except last time I went to H&M, it was yuck for me.
Except last time I went to H&M, it was yuck for me.
The turnover is so fast there that you have to keep checking it! And there may be radically different stock in NY than there is in Bmore. We didn't see the dress until we'd been all over the store and were on our way out the door!
Already posted this in Bitches, but I'm still looking at this little beauty on bluefly every day. Want! [link]
Everytime I go into H&M I think, "there must be something I'll love here." and then I don't. I wonder how much is me and how much is H&M.
How much do I love the Global Babies book?
GC, great jacket! and only one month's rent!