You shared a bed with your BF at home, Cash? I so don't come from that accepting a family.
When my sister graduated college she did an internship in another city. Sister's boyfriend was living in a horrible place so my mother gave him my sister's room. When Sister got home from the internship she moved into her room too.
Cute, or freaky?
Hand soap shaped like baby hands
I vote 'freaky.'
Watching GA on a wee time delay not hating it. Well, hating
and kinda
but that is to be expected.
fuck yeah! that soap is creepy.
Watching House on a major time delay. I still love House. But did anyone who see it think that the
rubble girl
looked like Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas?
I really don't want to hate Callie, but I do. Ditto Izzy. I hate how they've turned these interesting women into...something. I get that it is a soap opera and all. But crap, can't they write something other than this? Shit, my crappy romances have better strong women making dumbass decisions.
I'm nega on baby hand soap. You nibble baby hands. Soapy mouth would be bad. Missing wee nephew now.
kat, I just sent you a really stupid email to the gmail address.
Man, I should go to bed soon. Sending stupid emails is a good sign of that.
I have decided that i am giving up GA. i can't stand the whole George/Izzie crap and i know it's going to be a major theme. i just. can't. stomach. it. Denny > George.
i'm feeling pretty apathetic about the tv season so far. wonder why...
ita, i'm really glad to read you woke up migraine free and have stayed that way.
Yeah, I'll watch this Gray's, but that might be it. I've got to drop either it or CSI, for sure.