I have decided that i am giving up GA. i can't stand the whole George/Izzie crap and i know it's going to be a major theme. i just. can't. stomach. it. Denny > George.
i'm feeling pretty apathetic about the tv season so far. wonder why...
ita, i'm really glad to read you woke up migraine free and have stayed that way.
Yeah, I'll watch this Gray's, but that might be it. I've got to drop either it or CSI, for sure.
i'm feeling pretty apathetic about the tv season so far. wonder why...
Cause FNL hasn't started yet.
God, I love thunder and lightning. It's booming out there, and I smile every time.
Cause FNL hasn't started yet.
heh. have you watched the premiere? 'cause i'm kinda worried about it too.
Baby hand soaps are creepy! Ew.
I haven't. I'll still hope for my little show though.
i'm extremely hopeful. no matter what, i will always want to squish little matty saracen.
Oh! I got yelled at out the car window on my way back in from lunch. I thought the lady thought I'd cut her off, but she was complimenting me on my hair colour.
See! There can be the occasional window yell that can be appropriate, and others funny w/o being degrading. At work I've been moved next to a bunch of rather nasty women that rip on this one woman. Some people just need to be smacked so the rest of us don't feel the urge to help out.
And on a good note, this 50's-esque icecream shoppe I played last winter has asked me to come back and play another accoustic show either next month or in November. (They book shows during the winter to pull in crowds for their non-ice cream offerings.)
yay on mac's mobility!
This weekend is the 50% off the sale merch at Lucy sale. I love this time of year.
Ooh. How tempting. I think I need to go buy something. Oh, and I totally need to come on the cupcake crawl. Franny wants to come too BTW. What a brilliant idea.
I can easily see myself still looking in on the sleepybabyfaces long after it is no longer necessary. Possibly not sneaking kisses after a while, but I don't know. Very kissable.
When does that sweaty head thing stop? Man it cracks me up sometimes to see the little faces with the sticky hair stuck to their cheeks. It does stop doesn't it?