Hon, do you have Thankgiving plans? Should we adopt you for the day?
Yes, this. Because either Plei or I could add you to our Thanksgiving craziness.
I honestly had not even begun to think that far ahead, but yes, I would love that. Because if Travelling Too Much has taught me anything, it's that I avoid going anywhere by plane for Thanksgiving. Because, ew. (Plus, Plei and/or Jilli, and a turkey! Wackiness probably ensues! Not to mention Princess Tickybox!)
Apparently, he was the one who wanted to come into work today in a blazer, because he wanted a job. He thought it was a real interview, and was nervous.
That is adorable and kinda sad, in a way. What have we done to our six year olds?!?
Tell me something nice, anything at all, about your week.
I did laundry, saw naked ladies, AND had sex last night? It was super productive and shit...
just booking the wedding planner has already been a big victory for me, since that was scary.
Go bonbon! That's a big step (...towards becoming America's Next Top Model Dr. Mrs. Bon Bon Bob Bob Esq!)
Chocolate Lego: [link]
You make them yourself (with a special mold).
I like this one: [link]
Totally chillin' with the jaunty leg action.
I managed to get my meds protocol put on record at two ERs. Although they are not the fastest, it should mean Monday's stress won't happen again.
Definitely good.
I should be finishing up my first draft of a paper/article and putting on some makeup so I don't look like a washed out EEKface at my hair appt at 3. Instead I am eating Haagen-Dazs choco chip cookie dough ice cream out of the container and feeling kinda sad.
Thanks for sharing the good stuff!
I've just decide to have a baking day on Sunday - invite some peeps I have not seen in a while and make cookies and banana bread and sit and chat and drink tea and coffee.
OK, I think I hate the new DVR. Annoying!
What is the problem? My DVR annoys me because it is a four year old hard drive at this point, but a new one should not annoy!
Also, as for Yasuhito wanting to be a grownup, it seems like the kind of thing kids do-- playing house and all that.
And, lo, the ER has been told to expect me, the cab has been called, and a ride back (hopefully they won't admit me) has been arranged for.
So I'm good for the next little while.