Tell me something nice, anything at all, about your week.
Also? I am wearing stripey tights today: [link]
It's a Phillyicious night!!
As long as it's not a Motownphilly night....
doin' a little East Coast swing...
And they're painting the office, and the fumes are making me feel headachey and nauseous.
Blech. Shouldn't they send you home?
I am so glad I am working from home today. I can tell via IM that it is stressy over there. I am not good at repelling office stress, so I am relishing my lowered shoulders and deep breaths. I am relishing in actually getting tasks taking acre of instead of going round and round and round in circles of talk.
Been nice knowing you guys. Now I am to become a Morlock.
If any asshat customers come down there to annoy you, just bear in mind that, as with the Eloi, those they left behind won't dare venture after them for a rescue.
Matilda is adorable!
Good things:
Photos from niece's 3rd b-day! In her princess gear [link] at a Sesame Street Live thingy [link] my pretty nephew (with added dorky brother) [link] pretty boy in tiara [link] pretty boy in a box [link]
OK, I think I hate the new DVR. Annoying!
And yet? That's the biggest thing wrong with my day. Not too shabby!
Aww Matilda pictures! This is my favorite [link]
I think I'm going to use one of those Matilda pics for all my "No way!" exclamations.
Tom Scola's got a second date? No way! That's so cool.
meara's moving to Seattle? No way!" That rocks.
shrift's a morlock? No way!
Heh. Favorite xpost.
This is my favorite [link]
Le chompers are comin' on in, aren't they?
Le chompers are comin' on in, aren't they?
She's got all eight of her front ones now; the last bottom front tooth sprouted up Tuesday while she was at daycare.
Pretty boy in a box is adorable!
I think I'm going to use one of those Matilda pics for all my "No way!" exclamations.
That's exactly what that face looks like it means!