Okay, I'll shower
the fashion talk.
it is way inappropriate to wear to a wedding. It would be one step below wearing a fancy white dress to a wedding in terms of rudeness. It's just that showy.
I hear you. I have a wonderful vintage gown that can only be worn to a highly fancy wedding, otherwise I'm way rude. And I came to the similar conclusion about my ballgown skirts. At this rate, I'll never have a life that includes them.
Don't change it until it forces you to, enduring a week's worth of pestering.
Because I'm assuming that the clock starts again whenever I change it, so the next pestering will be sooner. I just add the appropriate keystroke into my morning login.
tommyrot, usually (a) for me.
At this rate, I'll never have a life that includes them.
Fortunately, having a band that's like the band I have means frequently having occassions to wear sparkly extravaganza outfits.
At work, there are three of us, and we all need to connect to a client's network in Houston. Don't tell anyone, but we all use the same password. So we all pretty much do (b).
What magical property do the French possess that the Americans don't--I'm assuming that Americans would improve their self esteem...
I am guessing that the author is positing that the French aren't as physical fitness oriented as Americans. I have no idea if it's true or not. But I found that sentence confusing too.
Also, if it lets me, I just change it to the same password I had. Which my student knows because she has to log on to the computer too and it take almost as long to get a lon-in here as the students work. I had one student receive her password a week before she graduated!
I am guessing that the author is positing that the French aren't as physical fitness oriented as Americans.
I thought it was that the French have great self-esteem already.
But they're depressed all the time! All that smoking and surrendering and "hon-hon-hon"ing!
Don't change it until it forces you to, enduring a week's worth of pestering.
I like to use the week's worth of pestering to come up with a new password scheme.
I am guessing that the author is positing that the French aren't as physical fitness oriented as Americans.
Yeah, but in my head, Americans aren't really fitness-oriented as people. As a culture it may seem that way, but it doesn't actually percolate down to actual people.
And I can't imagine American self-esteem picking up if everyone got another hour of exercise in a week either.