What magical property do the French possess that the Americans don't--I'm assuming that Americans would improve their self esteem...
I am guessing that the author is positing that the French aren't as physical fitness oriented as Americans. I have no idea if it's true or not. But I found that sentence confusing too.
Also, if it lets me, I just change it to the same password I had. Which my student knows because she has to log on to the computer too and it take almost as long to get a lon-in here as the students work. I had one student receive her password a week before she graduated!
I am guessing that the author is positing that the French aren't as physical fitness oriented as Americans.
I thought it was that the French have great self-esteem already.
But they're depressed all the time! All that smoking and surrendering and "hon-hon-hon"ing!
Don't change it until it forces you to, enduring a week's worth of pestering.
I like to use the week's worth of pestering to come up with a new password scheme.
I am guessing that the author is positing that the French aren't as physical fitness oriented as Americans.
Yeah, but in my head, Americans aren't really fitness-oriented as people. As a culture it may seem that way, but it doesn't actually percolate down to actual people.
And I can't imagine American self-esteem picking up if everyone got another hour of exercise in a week either.
I do not have the right shoes for this outfit, but dammit, I'm going to go out like this anyway. I'm that sort of a rebel.
Not sure what I was thinking, buying a brown skirt.
There's also a positive correllation between exercise and warding off depression, according to a recent study.
What magical property do the French possess that the Americans don't--I'm assuming that Americans would improve their self esteem...
I'm guessing it's that they don't think of things like exercise as a moral issue?
I'm guessing it's that they don't think of things like exercise as a moral issue?
That's kind of what I mean. Regardless of what Americans actually do, we are more culturally conditioned to view physical fitness as some kind of moral virtue.