cucumber infused vodka
This reminds me, y'all must try Absolut New Orleans. It's mango pepper and is excellent just chilled by itself.
This confuses me. What reproductive rights are you referring to?
Not the person you asked, but I think she meant the reproductive health of American women.
President A. is smart.
He might be a lot of other things, but I can't argue with his bush-assessment.
And he told me, quote, speaking to you, that you've made terrible choices for your people. You've isolated your nation. You've taken a nation of proud and honorable people and made your country the pariah of the world.
Oh hai, don't think you're talking about IRAN there, President Sparky.
I enjoy the infused vodkas. Ginger, cucumber, mango, pear (Absolut Pear is Teh Num) - all are good.
::runs through thread carrying a sign that says, "Lee, insent!"::
(I don't mean to be antisocial, but work has me by the throat.)
I had a horseradish vodka at this Russian place here and it was AMAZING! Spicy and earthy and delicious just served chilled in a shot glass. That was a sippin' vodka.
PELLEY: I take it you can't think of anything you like about President Bush.
Is it just me, or is anyone else waiting for the next question to be "George Bush: Great President, or
Is it just me, or is anyone else waiting for the next question to be "George Bush: Great President, or the GREATEST President?"
Hah! I am NOW!!
Grr. I sent an email to my apartment building listserv--did anyone want a bookshelf? One is 6'6, one is 6'.
A guy writes back, says yes. I respond, telling him when I'm free. He says "OH, you meant bookSHELVES...I thought they were bookENDS. I don't need bookshelves"
WTF? Six foot bookends??
"OH, you meant bookSHELVES...I thought they were bookENDS. I don't need bookshelves"
I think I am losing my mind, because this just made me laugh to the point of crying actual tears.
Wow. Something is really wrong when I agree with him. Scary.
In other news, Numfar! Do the dance of not-only-no-cancer-but-no-biopsy-even-necessary! Er, for my father. To be clear.
And there was much rejoicing in the land of Emily.
Quiet rejoicing. Which looks a lot like... not rejoicing. So there you are.