Random question of the day: anyone else ever developed a crush on a historical figure, or did I go completely over the edge the moment I looked at a portrait of a man 202 years older than me and thought "MROWR!"?
I mean, sure, I have Secret Celebrity Boyfriends, Secret Baseball Boyfriends, Secret Fictional Boyfriends, and Secret Fake News Boyfriends (three at last count, because how am I supposed to choose between Stewart, Colbert, and Oliver?). But a Secret Historical Boyfriend? Who is by definition also a Secret Dead Boyfriend?
Random question of the day: anyone else ever developed a crush on a historical figure, or did I go completely over the edge the moment I looked at a portrait of a man 202 years older than me and thought "MROWR!"?
I have a little thing for Alexander Hamilton. Also, when I was little (like 7) I had a crush on Eisenhauer based on the coin. My mother still makes fun of me.
Where did you go, friend? But when was he ginger?
He is in my head. It may not reflect reality.
Does having a Secret Celebrity Boyfriend, but only as he was long before I was born, count? Because one of my first serious lustings-after was for Burt Lancaster as seen in The Crimson Pirate. What a yummy bare-chested former gymnast he was in that movie!
I've had a crush on Henry Adams for 20 years.
How did TicketMaster manage to get this seeming monopoly?
My theory is pact with the devil.
I used to work with a guy named Ellery Queen.
OK, glad I'm not the only one. (My crush is the 1st Duke of Wellington. Which is probably not terribly surprising to anyone who knows me. OK, yes, I find some of his political views obnoxious, but he was all snarky and spicy-brained. And hot!)
Oh, I bet I have, Susan.
Not across centuries, probably.
Has Hec been moonlighting as a Today Show producer?
People are stealing my brainwaves again!
::borrows Liese's foil lined collander hat::
I used to work with a guy named Ellery Queen.
That's the second time Ellery Queen has come up in my (internet-based) life today. hilarious.
I used to live with a guy named Rutherford Hayes.
My Dead Celebrity Boyfriends include Young Michael Redgrave (oh so pretty and snarky in
The Lady Vanishes),
Youngish Jimmy Stewart (had I been Kate Hepburn's character in
Philadelphia Story,
I would've ditched Cary for him in a hot second),
and Young/Youngish/hell, any age at all Humphrey Bogart.
Seriously Dead Celebrity Boyfriend (really, way deader than yours, Susan): John Donne.
the Prince of 17th-century England.