Oh, I need to correct myself. The women I was talking about wouldn't be coming as slutty pumpkins. Jack Ho Lanterns, they would be.
They're not sure, but diets are starting...well, when I'm not bringing in CI test cake.
Floated out the idea of me being Moulin Rougey. Met with a great deal of nothing. But it could be my migraine colouring my reading.
Robin, will your mother get to smoke pot? Totally tell her to ask.
But the way the email was worded felt more like:
We're way too poor for Christmas! We're saving money by acquiring living quarters everywhere we want to be, and also by only flying in the private jet, so we don't have to waste time at the airport, since time is money! Also, we should fight the economy! Rally around me! This job is not just a calling, it's a passion! Lay down your lives!!1!!1! And could someone please take up the responsibility of the newsletter? No one can come up with ways to make it sound like a fun job anymore.
ETA: I missed the news the first time around, but I'm so sorry for your mom, Robin. That totally bites. Although better eyelashes do sound like a total silver lining.
Yeah, it was really not worded well.
I shouldn't have looked up this med's side effects. But perhaps it was for the best.
For reals, yo.
My painkillers are pissing me off.
It's almost funny how pissy I am right now, and it's even funnier if it's because of the stadol.
It's totally bed time right now. Here's what I didn't do tonight:
Clean my apartment, Exercise, Recycle, Buy chocolate milk, Go to camera store and see if my camera can be fixed, Eat dinner.
Here's what I did do: Napped, Surfed the internet, Made a reservation, Made a to do list of things I intended to do tonight, Sent email, Learned that my new upstairs neighbor is even noisier and more active than my last neighbor, which I didn't know was possible.
Maybe I'll go eat an apple and some cheese and crackers, and that will motivate me to accomplish something tonight.
ETA: I had to go look up dyphoria to make sure that it meant what I thought it meant. (Plus get my dinner.) That stinks, ita. Sorry.
Aaand skipping yet again (see? I already have what to apologize for!), to post that, according to the Buffista Calendar, today is Sue's birthday.
Happy birthday, Sue! With lots of wishes for a great day and a wonderful year!
Weirdness. My shiny new microwave comes with two metal racks so you can cook multiple things. Metal racks? Are they trying to trick me, or is this some newfangled thing I didn't know about?
brenda, my mom got a convection microwave oven with a metal interior. Freaked me right out the first time I used it.
Happy birthday, Sue!
If I were to go as Miss Information, how would I make a sash, with pretty words?
When I was Miss Demeanor, I bought some wide pink ribbon (on eBay) and used a glittery fabric paint pen thing.