You guys, thanks for the lovely words (um, I mean, worrrrrrds) upthrrrrrrrread.
paperdol, for what it's worth, people make mistakes like this all the time. Last year I ended up being scheduled to teach on a fast - granted, not Yom Kippur, of course, but the one which is probably the most minor of them all, but it was scheduled by a religious person, in a university that pays attention to the religious aspect of the calendar more than any other in Israel. And still, mistakes happen.
Will the symposium take place all day? If there's no possibility to change the date, like you said, maybe it's possible to play a bit with the hours, so that it starts late and ends late, after the end of the fast, so people can take part in at least some of it?
I hope it turns out to be not much more for you than an irritation. Certainly not resignation fodder, and I will come over there and pinch you hard if you say that again.
Seriously. I mean, unless you work at a shul or something.
Lunch today is hummus pizza. Pita bread, roasted red pepper hummus, topped with diced tomatoes, cucumbers, black olives and feta cheese.
Oh, so yum!
Nilly! You've still not offended me, for the record--you are a joy to read always.
Nilly, you have never hurt my feelings in any way at any time. I strive to be as good a person as you already are. I hope you have a peaceful and revelatory Yom Kippur.
Aw, Nilly, between Pirate Day, you, lori's birthday, PMM and DH's anniversary (Elephant appreciation day is around the corner), I feel like today's not going to be so bad, even if I do have to go to Houston.
I think I'll spend the ride down thinking about how I treat people and forgiving, if only in my heart, people who have treated me poorly.
The Symposium takes place over a week, and the holiday falls on the Thursday. Since people will be flying in, it makes things a bit on the impossible side. I'm checking for synagogues in the area, or providing a good solid kosher meal before sundown on the fast.
Google-fu has failed me! Does anyone know where this quote comes from? "Let's do it again soon...and then very soon after that."
I should get something rich in Vitamin D for lunch. Seeing as how I'm not getting any sunlight.
The only way Nilly offended me was by not staying in DC longer. If you wish to rectify that by coming back for a visit, I will forgive you ;)