Check Hotel Babylon for some ideas of hotel-specific shenanigans.
Imagination fails me. Because if it's just S-E-X, I can (theoretically) get that at home, too!
I might as well watch Babylon. Between mainlining MI-5, QI and Top Gear I'm calling everything "totally mad."
Good on the drugs, ita. Get some rest.
For me I like the out of town aspect of travel, but what wears me out is that it's away from home. I love seeing new places and even revisiting places. Thing is I miss seeing my friends at home and seeing Kristin, and the cats, and all of those things. It's a tough balance. Right now my career seems to be putting me on a plane a lot. It certainly translates into higher paychecks, but right now I'm just worn out.
This is me. 'cept replace Kristin with Steve and the cats with cats and dogs.
On second thought, don't replace anything and it's still valid.
Java, you're adorable. Miss you too, chica!
I am blissfully happy at the moment, however, because I have found a Panera close to the airport and am waiting for Joe to arrive in the comfort of wi-fi, coffee, and yummy foods. So much better than the cell phone lot!
God bless Panera. Rather than stress myself with fighting the rush hour traffic to get to evening class on time, I'm setting out more than an hour early, and going to sit with my laptop and a muffin in the Panera near the school.
Bon, urgent care, if you haven't already.
I probably should have mentioned this earlier, but if anyone here got a random Facebook friend request last week from some weird person? That was probably me.
I'd totally forgotten I even HAD one.
You opened the floodgates!
Also? Until I logged in and saw the picture, despite having known your Given First Name, I totally thought it was random Facebook spamming, because I didn't believe your full name was real.
Panera is of the good. I'm having dinner at Bennigan's tonight then it is back to the hotel for a few hours of ProTools editing.
I am having my National Cheeseburger Day cheeseburger!
Hey, if there's anyone pro-choice in the Chicago area, maybe pick up a lawn sign in support of the clinic Planned Parenthood is trying to open in Aurora? [link]