One thing I do like about hotel rooms is clean sheets every day.
Yeah. You know those signs they leave about in hotels, saying, "Help save the environment by not having us wash your sheets every day"? Fuck that. Clean sheets every day are an intrinsic part of the hotel experience, dammit!
I've never gotten tired of looking out an airplane window or seeing new places. It's the airports and the utter sameness of many hotel rooms that get to me now.
I think I've watched too much CSI. Hotel beds skeeve me. Even nice ones.
Fuck that. Clean sheets every day are an intrinsic part of the hotel experience, dammit!
and towels! I deliberately drop them on the floor.
For me I like the out of town aspect of travel, but what wears me out is that it's away from home. I love seeing new places and even revisiting places. Thing is I miss seeing my friends at home and seeing Kristin, and the cats, and all of those things. It's a tough balance. Right now my career seems to be putting me on a plane a lot. It certainly translates into higher paychecks, but right now I'm just worn out.
When I'm traveling with my mother, she always has to clean up the room before we leave. Mom, you've missed the entire point of the hotel existence: being a slob without consequences.
Monkey centerfold: [link]
More primates: [link]
Of course I hate beyond hate travelling right now. Because it is headache incarnate. But when I do like it, it's tip to's just that now that I like where I live I don't end up leaving near as much, as everyone on the west coast I've seen no more of can attest.
Grammatically that sentence works out, I'm pretty sure.
Time for my lie down, as soon as I forward the monkey pics. Ha!
Grr. Trying to book a NY hotel. Uni is paying, so cost is not so much of an issue, but they do have their limits. I can't get the government rate at any of the chi chi hotels. FEH.
Even the plain jane national chain nothing special hotels...something about that extra bed in the room and knowing I wasn't cleaning the bathroom.
This is me. I love going to writers conferences, and frankly I get nearly as much pleasure out of having a big comfy room to myself that someone else is paid to clean as I do getting to talk shop with the published people.